
The Lightning Theif
Thursday, April 30, 2009

OMG. I'M SUCH A HORRIBLE FRIEND. I forgot Tash's birthday! But I apologized to her  and wished her happy belated birthday a few days ago already so ya. Err..

I love Facebook quizzes! They're so much fun. And I also made a new Twitter account a few days ago.

And, also a few days ago, PaulMae said she had been really annoyed at me and felt like slapping me -- oh my freaking gosh -- coz I was so obsessed about David before KLIA. Omg! So meannn~! But oh well! :D She isn't mad anymore.

Rachel told us something she didn't tell us about that day at the airport when we saw David's van (see April 9 post). She said that when me, Sarah, and Emily ran to the side of the van, David was looking at us. So she -- Rachel -- waved at David, and David looked at her and waved back!! For like 2 seconds. THEY MADE EYE CONTACT FOR 2 SECONDS!! Then this guard shouted coz Sarah knocked over the cone thing, so Rachel looked away to see what happened.

When Rachel told Sarah yesterday in their house, Sarah was crying and crying and going, "How could you waste an opportunity like that? Why did you look away??" Sarah said that she felt like slapping Rachel.

Rachel said she didn't wanna tell us coz Emily was already crying at the time when the van left. A good thing too! I was feeling really bad at the time coz my mind blanked out a bit when I saw David, so I couldn't remember very vividly some of the stuff that happened so I wasn't sure if David looked at me or not (he did).

Oh, and Rachel also said when David looked at us (me, Sarah, Em), we were all standing in one group and staring wide-eyed at him with our mouths wide open. She said we looked like triplets, (?!?!?!) and it really was a sight to see.

When Rachel told me that, I was like, OOOMMMGGG!!!!! How embarrassing! I hope David won't remember us as three little staring girls.

And also, Sean went over to take a pic of David and David looked at him and waved or something, but it was too dark. Darnnn! >.<

Anyway, Yvette posted Part 2 in her blog! It's titled "Lunch With David". Arghhhhhhhh! I hate herr!!

Actually I don't. And I love the way she's so descriptive. And her blog is really funny too! I was laughing and laughing and laughing. Partly coz it's funny and partly coz David acted so adorably. Here's a part from her blog (IT'S MAKING ME SO JEALOUS! AGHH!):

A while later, dessert came for David.

Honeydew and watermelon. There were ice shavings in the middle as decoration.

Again, I don’t know why, but everyone else wanted to tease him.

“Aw, I like watermelon!” David said, that brilliant smile on his face again.

The whole room was bright, I tell you…
“Oh, you can’t eat what’s on the side – it’s just for decoration,” the woman in yellow told him quickly, indicating the fruit. She was joking, of course. “You eat what’s in the middle.”

David, unfortunately, thought she was being serious.

His face fell, and then he said in a really timid voice, “Oh… but I don’t like ice.”


New fact #9: David doesn’t like ice.


Something occurred to David later on, and – because he was chewing on watermelon at the moment – he had to make signals at Ray to tell him what he wanted.

“Oh! Alright…” and then Ray pulled out a camera. David was still busy swallowing, so Ray explained to me on his behalf, “You don’t mind if we take a picture of the two you right now? David likes to keep photos of the fans he meets for memory…”

“Oh,” I said, through a mouthful of honeydew. “OK… wait, now?” I gasped, as Ray handed the camera to the woman in red, because she sat right across from me and David.
And the woman was already focusing the lens, “OK – smile!”

I had two huge slices of honeydew in my mouth.
David – no fair! – had already swallowed the watermelon he’d been eating just now.

So I smiled, with my mouth clamped shut and my cheeks bloated, as the picture was taken.
This is the picture:


Ahh! No wonder her mouth is like that. And what in the world are all those other people in the restaurant doing?! Can't they see that David Archuleta is RIGHT THERE?? OMG!!

David's April 28 vlog:

He suddenly smiles at 3:31!!! SO ADORABLE! XD

Oh, and by the way, if you're bored, you should go read a book called Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Theif. It's really really good! You can read it whether you're a boy or girl.

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Archie is Too Sexy!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

*Sarah and Rachel tell us about an interview where the interviewers played a game with David where they'd say something, and he has the say the first word that comes to his mind. They said something like, "Sexiest in a bikini" or something like that. David said the name of a building...?*
Sarah: He should've said, "Me!"
Me and Emily: *stare*
Sarah: ... *realizes why we're staring* Oh. No! I mean he should have said himself, not me!
Me and Emily: *stare*
Sarah: ?? ... Wait, no, I mean, not David in a bikini...
Me and Emily: O______O OMG. Hahahaha!

David Cook and David Archuleta at the American Music Awards

Beginning and 2:06 - Cook. 2:18 - Archie!

Guillermo (Interviewer): You know that I vote for you a hundred times in American Idol?
Cook: I appreciate that, something something.
Guillermo: I don't like that Archuleta.
Cook: Why not?
Guillermo: I think... he think... He was too sexy. 
Cook: *starts laughing*

Guillermo: David Archuleta! How are you? I vote a hundred times for you in American Idol.
Archie: *smiles adorably* Oh, really?
Guillermo: I love you. You're very nice, you're very sexy.
Archie: *doesn't know what to do* Oh. Oh thank --
Guillermo: Can I touch your cheek? *tries to touch David's cheek*
Archie: Um... Ah... I, I... *starts laughing*


P.S. Taylor Swift is crazy tall! I hope I don't become that tall when I grow up! 

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It Was the Onion Bagel, Wasn't It?
Monday, April 27, 2009

Sarah made this little statue thingy out of Blu-Tack during school. I couldn't help bursting out laughing when I saw it.


HAHAHA. And I just watched a vid of David on Hannah Montana! It was on On Demand yesterday or something, but for those who don't have it, it's on May 3rd on Disney. I can't wait to watch it!

David Archuleta on Hannah Montana HQ

Hannah: I'm sorry, David. I... I can't do this (record a song with him instead of going on a date with this nerdy guy like she promised).
David: It was the onion bagel, wasn't it? *covers mouth*

David: What is it? ... *goes wide-eyed* Oh no, when I called, you thought I was David Cook!


THEY HUGGED!!! I felt so horrible when I saw this! *dies*

Omg. I can't believe we actually saw David Archuleta in real life!!!! OMG!!

I went to the dentist just now for a check-up and it hurt. There was so much blood. How disgusting!

And my brother farted like a machine gun yesterday. Really! It was amazing. Amazing and disgusting. It was like put-put-put-put-put! Like a fart with very short pauses in between. I love Facebook quizzes (I took one called "Which Tim Burton character are you?" yesterday and it said I was EDWARD SCISSORHANDS. Omg). I made a Twitter account today. Did you know David actually replies to his fans on David? That's so nice!!!

THIS is Edward Scissorhands. How freaky! And he has giant scissors for hands. Thus the name.

Isn't that adorable? He almost put body lotion in his hair! Once I put conditioner on my body. Justine almost brushed her teeth with shaving cream. Rachel See brushed her teeth with shaving cream. It tasted waxy.


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Saturday, April 25, 2009

This is the message I sent to David on the official website,

Hi David! XD It's Jiayu (or Fishy) here. You were so good when you sang Touch My Hand on American Idol! You really have to stop telling yourself you're bad when you're not. Even if you mess up, everyone makes mistakes, right?

Your showcase in Malaysia was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It was the first concert I've ever been to, and I'll never ever forget it! Me and my friends were holding up the "WE HAVE A CRUSH ON DAVID" poster/banner.

You keep saying that you miss Asia (awww), and I just want to let you know that we really miss you too! Pleasepleaseplease come back soon! We love how clean-cut and happy you always are, and it's no wonder you're a role model to me and so many other people. God bless and take care! Don't tire yourself out.

, Jiayu.

David on AI

David and Yvette... GRRR!!

David Crying Tears of Joy

Awww! I could not stop saying "aww" when I saw this. It's just so sweet. It's like, most guys these days try to act all macho and stuff and people think guys who cry are gay or sissy, but it's not. It's nice to actually be able to know how they're feeling. It's so incredibly sweet that he was so touched everyone came to see him.

David Receiving a Fish

He didn't know what to do! So cute. Did you know he has a goldfish named Conditioner? LOL.

David Archuleta and Lady Gaga

Awww. He's seriously SO cute! Even Ryan Seacrest referred to him as "the lovable David Archuleta".

A segment of Archie's showcase will be on TV3 (Astro channel 103) tomorrow, Sunday, 26/4, at 12:30 PM.

I lovelovelove Facebook quizzes. I just took a quiz called "Which race would you belong to in Middle-Earth?", and the result is...

Elves. You are an elf. Fair and beautiful, naturally immortal, but you can be killed or die of grief and weariness. Men and Women are equally good at all things, and to stay busy you entertain yourself with smithing, sculpture, music and other arts. When your time is finished in Middle-Earth, you will return to the undying lands..

Aw. That's nice. If only elves existed though. And Peter Pan, for that matter. And sadly, I'm not fair or beautiful. Oh well!

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David on AI!
Thursday, April 23, 2009

I JUST watched David perform Touch My Hand on American Idol just now, and he was AMAZING (as usual)!!! He was so adorable and hot, and he touched some girls' hands! Unfair much?! Omg. I'm still in shock. I can't believe we SAW that guy who just performed on American Idol, just two weeks ago! And he actually smiled and waved and said "hi" to me, Emily, Sarah, and Rachel (remember KDU?)!!

And that black hoodie Archie was wearing... I wonder if he got it from Malaysia? Coz in one Malaysian interview he said he bought a hoodie from Malaysia, but he didn't show it to the camera because he hadn't worn it before. I wonder if it's the same one?

OMGGGG. I want him to come back!!!


And he posted a video blog, where he talked about The Rescue, this thing that's gonna bring awareness to children in Uganda who have gone through a lot. Go to for more info. He's so sweet! Awww.

Invisible Children

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

David Archuleta on American Idol on Astro StarWorld!

Thurs, 23 April 09 - 6 PM; 8 PM
Fri, 24 April 09 - 12.30 AM; 8 AM; 1 PM
Sun, 26 April 09 - 7 PM

Emily: ... I'm so nice!
Me: You're modest, too.
Emily: Thank you!
Me: O_O *looks at Emily weirdly, then at Sarah*
Sarah: *looks at me weirdly* What?
Emily: *looks slightly confused*
Me: You don't get it?
Sarah: Get what?
Me: I was being sarcastic!
Sarah: Ohhh! *starts laughing*
Emily: ???
Me: *to Emily* Err...Do you know what "modest" means?
Emily: No.
Me: Like, um... The opposite of proud. Coz you said, "I'm so nice!" so I said, "You're modest, too."
Emily: Oh. Grrr, you're so mean!
Me: I was kidding!
Emily: You're so mean!

Remember Yvette? That unbelievably lucky girl who won the DiGi contest and got to be part of Archie's entourage for a day? She made a blog telling what happened (she already made a few videos talking about it, but the blog is to recap some things that she didn't mention in the videos, and some are happenings brief coz she already talked about them in the videos). Link HERE.

This is Yvette and Archie the Adorable. Grrr... So unfairrrr! HE HAS HIS HAND ON HER BACK AND THEIR SIDES ARE TOUCHING! NOOOOOOOO!!
Grrr! So evil la! She's only finished writing part one, but I'm already DYING OF JEALOUSY. OMGGGG!!!! She said that David's hand and back and sides are really hard like stone and not soft and cuddly! And also that he is Snow-White and Edward-Cullen fair, which I already since I got to see him in real life.

And again, omg THEIR SIDES ARE TOUCHING!! Go away!

I'M SO JEALOUS!! *sob* Life isn't fair! I wish I was her.

... Actually, I don't. I just wish I was in her place and won the contest instead. Hehe... Ugh. The unfairness of it all!

ARCHIEE!! <3 He's so babyfaced and cute and sweet. Awww!

Emily: Jiayu! Jonathan (Teh) agrees that David is hot!!!
Note: Jonathan is not gay.
Me: What?! Really?
Jonathan: Yeah. He's very pinky. 
Me: Pinky?? You mean his skin is pink?
Jonathan: No, I mean he's very pinky in a way that is hot la.
Me: ??? Pinky? Where did you get that word? Is it Pakistani slang or something? (Jon is from Pakistan)
Jonathan: No! "Hot" and "cute" and "beautiful" and etc. all mean pinky la.
Me: Err...?
Emily: He calls good-looking "pinky". 
Me: ... OH. Omg? Why?? *starts laughing*
Jonathan: Because David was wearing a pink shirt in one picture.
Note: The shirt he wore at the showcase wasn't pink, it was checkered purple and white and pink and orange.


Oh, and something random: I took an online IQ test today. Click here to take it. My score is 131... I wonder what David's is? I heard that he's reaaally smart. Swoon! He's so gorgeous and smart and adorable! >.<

David Wishes His Cousin Krystal a Sweet 16

He sounds so sexy when he speaks Spanish!

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O.D.D. (Obsessive David Disorder) - A Disease I Don't Mind Having :D
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

David was on 8TV's Quickie last Sunday (19 April) at 11:30 PM! I was begging my mum to let me watch it, coz my parents say I have to sleep earlier, and that I would sleep now (it was about 10:15 then), wake up at 11:20 to watch it, then go back to sleep after that. But she cruelly refused to let me so I went to my room and cried. Then I decided to try again and went upstairs to ask her again. She asked me to ask my dad, so I asked him and he said okay even tho he was the one who asked me to sleep early.

What a relief. Here's the vid for you guys who didn't watch it.

Archie on 8TV Quickie


David: Err... I don't really have good pick-up line. Um. Do you like water? Well, then, you like 70% of my body. *starts laughing adorably*

An episode of last year's American Idol (season 7) was next, so I stayed up 'til 12:45 PM to watch it coz I knew Archie would be in it. It was the Dolly Parton special episode, and David sang Rocky Mountain Memories. Simon gave nice compliments to Archie, David Cook, and someone else, and to the others he was like, "Oh, that was okay" or "That wasn't your best performance" or "Look, we're not exactly going to remember this in 10 years, are we?". I was quite proud of Archie about it. XD Hehe.

I had to do this thing for my Math (710) and measure the length of my classroom with my feet, heel-to-toe and heel-to-toe. So I was just walking in class, measuring it, while people stared and looked at me weirdly and asked, "What are you doing?" I was like, Ugh.

I have a cough and a bit of flu (did you know that sometimes when you have a flu, your ears get a bit blocked? I was quite worried before my mum told me; I thought I was going deaf, which was puzzling coz I don't turn up the music that loud when I use earphones), so I laugh really weird, which is so embarrassing. And when I laugh too hard, I start coughing. Sarah keeps laughing at my laugh. Ish.

Yesterday, me, Emily, Sarah, Ryan, and Jonathan Teh (or Shariff! Or however you spell it) were talking about David, and Jonathan and Ryan were asking us what we'd do to meet David and stuff.

Jonathan: What would you do if David suddenly had a lot of huge pimples on his face?
Me, Sarah, Emily: That won't happen. His skin is too perfect! I can't imagine it.
Jonathan: No, but what if?
Sarah: Err... I'll pop it!
Everyone: *starts laughing uncontrollably while Sarah looks at us and goes, "What?"*

Me: Would you sell your parents into slavery to marry David?
Sarah and Emily: Yes!
Sarah/Emily: And then I'll buy them back.
Sarah/Emily: But David wouldn't want to marry me if he found out...

BTW, they were just kidding and they do not hate their parents.

Jonathan: If David had huge pimples and you popped them, would you keep the...
Me, Sarah, and Emily: NOOOOO!! OF COURSE NOT! That's disgusting!

BTW, Jonathan was going to say that whitish thing that comes out of pimples. Pus, I think. How positively revolting.

 David Archuleta and David Cook Doing Handstands!

He's so cool! The way he tucks in his shirt is adorable. And also when they're about to do the handstands, he suddenly remembers he has his phone and stuff in his pockets. Cuteee! I wish I could do that (the handstand, I mean).

Archie Cries on American Idol


So sweet! Aww. I don't think Archie is sissy for crying. Just coz a guy is sensitive and/or cries doesn't mean he's gay. Real men aren't afraid to cry (altho if they are real crybabies, that's different).

Jonathan: If David asked you to put all his songs into your phone, would you do it?
Me, Sarah, and Emily: O.O Duh!
Ryan: *starts laughing* What kind of stupid question is that?
Me: We already have all his songs.

Sarah: I love David!
Emily: I love him more!
Me: We love him equally. See, I'm such a peacemaker! David will like me. Losers!
Sarah: Oh ho! You just called me a loser. David won't like you!
Me: ... I was just kidding.

Sarah: HAHAHA! You laugh so funny! *imitates my laugh*
Me: *starts laughing harder than ever* 

Ahhh... I love my friends! They're so funny.

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